The Search for Meaning and Purpose in Life: Why Significance Matters
John 3 : (4-8)
Nicodemus was a wise man of his time, And he asked Jesus, How can someone be Born again when they are old.?? Nicodemus asked.
Surely, they cannot enter a second time into their mothers womb to be born???
Jesus answered “very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of Water and Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives Birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, You must be Born again. The wind blow's Wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where ‘it’s going. SO, it is with everyone Born of the Spirit.
It’s our Spirit that Search's the things of GOD .
Reflection: Just as we have a had a physical birth, so we must now have. A Spiritual birth.
Our physical body is the instrument by which we relate to the material world. So, also the spirit of a human being is the faculty that enables us to relate directly to GOD.
Our spirit goes all around to look for our Significance .

When we come back to God and stop believing we are Gods.
God want’s to connect with us, confess your Human Nature- free will spirit____
There is a cry from the earth please help us, we have had a foreign invasion of demonic seeds. Our sin nature is because of the fall of Man.
Gods people are going to rise up with God 's Resurrection power from on High
Patriots Raise up!!! Watch the Mystery Babylon has been revealed.
Again, I will state :::
There is a cry from the earth please help we have a foreign invasion of demonic seeds.
God’s people are going to rise up. And have Resurrection power from on high.
Everyone will see the reasons for everything and have to choose sides.
Good Or Evil
Your New is Change :
Write your vision out, what do you want in life> what is your vision
Release old things, enter into the new things. It”s a new season:::::::::::::Let’s get healed together.
God is radically changing your life you can’t see where you are going but God is leading you. You see Jesus is leading you in the storm.
Peter the apostle was in a fishing Boat and they were in the storm. Peter called out to the lord Master we are sinking, Jesus said hold steady I’am coming.
He wants us to rest ( Shabott) : reflect your destiny track. Your purpose comes in state of rest. Master, we are sinking in life hold steady .
When JESUS was there in the boat , The storm steadied there is a calm coming, a new normal thats coming???? Believe, where is your faith,
If you have a trial, through faith, we see it's going to be alright. Because God cares, Faith is believing in things we can Not see.
God is going to take this storm and you will be refiled in it,,,
rest reset : clean out your heart
rest reset : clean out your heart release reflect - believe -patience refocus, clear your mind reposition things are changing.
You will have growth in your spiritual life.
Isaiah 44:2 43:19 42.9
I"am moving up ( Phil.3:12 ) press on things ahead press -on( psalm 1 :19-59)
entering into the new ,, invest in your next::::things ahead,press-on entering into the new
God I need change in my life change me???? I have to change ,,vision to steer.
what are you promises write them down : promises that will work
what are you promises write them down : promises that will work
Verses from bible ????( Romans 8 : 28 ) All things work for good the promises of God, ‘it’s not for your weakness. The storm is designed to pull on your strength.
Don’t”t lose your hope, rise up, hope, hope Praise God there is a battle in your mind lies about your future, get your armory, Gods promise, dash the bullets, by Gods promises >>>> Take control of your life>>>>>>>>>>>
Make a daily promise book your prayer Journey . If we spend time with him he can help. let's remember when we spent time to Praise Him and ask for our cares he can help us.
( Phil 1:6 )
God began a good work in you. And I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Amen.