Title. REVELATION Subject. The apostle John AD. 64. -68. Or 92-95 History 74AD. ASHKENAZ. KHAZARS made Judaism (synagogue of Satan) KABBALAH (1235) Babylonian Talmud 200-300AD Literature : Prophetic apocalyptic : spiritual symbols Jesus Christ, the church. perseverance judgement destruction of evil one.
RESCUE and RE-CREATION Let’s long for the fullness of Christ and desire to know him intimately as a friend???????
Do you want more than anything else to be consumed with the glory of Jesus Christ.!!!
(2 thess 2 :8.) Listen to these words of our lord Jesus Christ:
Then the “outlaw” will be openly revealed and the lord will over throw him by the breath of this mouth and bring him to an end by the dazzling manifestation of his presence. Just God’s Presence can cast out evil and demons.
Remember GOD’s Holy name is our weapon against the evil one. Use it daily if any thought become evil.
Say: In Jesus name, I cast this evil thought or Deed out of my brain give it no more power. Forgiveness is our tool from GOD only his love can get us this love. Amen
In Jesus Christ name it will be done.
Please, I just learned the power of this and its amazing.
The “outlaw” the evil one is anything that is against GOD. IT takes many forms. The evil in this world is from the outlaw. He is alive and well in this world. He rules over everything trying to take any THING THAT IS OF GOD AND TURN IT AROUND TO BE AGAINST GOD.
The one who has made us and loves us enough to rescue us out of this pit.
Have Hope in Jesus.
He was the (first born) to die so, we can also be resurrected to NEW LIFE IN JESUS FOR FORGIVENESS OF THIS WORLD AND GOING OUR OWN WAY .
Jesus Christ was the only one to raise from the dead and come back to life, like us who believe in forgiveness of sins will live eternally with him.
Jesus Christ son of God rescued us and now we to can be resurrected to eternal life only if we have forgiveness of our own sins personally.
We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, in our flesh we can Do nothing to get to heaven only our sins keep us from GOD.
Someone just said that the mark of the beast can be explained like the mark of this world and all it has, money and get ahead and forget about God and all his power and love for us.
We are seeing the presence of the “outlaw” now Satan is alive and well fooling us in this world to follow him and not GOD. (2 Thessalonians 9) The presence of the “outlaw “ is apparent by the activity of SATAN, who uses all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, spurious wonders and every form of evil deception in order to deceive those who are perishing, because they rejected the love of the truth that would lead them to being saved.
Satan is alive and more then ever we see Him now in the earth. He is the one who causes confusion and fear. (2 Thess 11 ) This is God words. BELIEVE FOR ETERNAL LIFE
Because of this God sends them a powerful delusion that leads them to believe what is false. So then all who found their pleasure in unrighteousness and did not BELIEVE the truth Will be judged. If we are believing Jesus for forgiveness of sins then we are already judged clean of sin because we took Jesus blood the cover our sins.
Like Passover Jesus blood Passover the door post and their first born did not die because they believe God to forgive and saved them from destruction . Passover was to show us the blood covers all sins and rescues us from this evil world of counterfeit evil apposed to God.
You see from our beginning we have lawlessness in our human hearts, we all need forgiveness, one man sinned.
The wages of sin is death Roman’s 3.23, because Adam fell we as Human’s now have death. We were supposed to live forever with God. So we had to be saved but Satan the ruler of this world was here to deceive us.
Have all the pleasures just don’t worship GOD.
He has deceived us into the America dream.
Forgetting about God ‘s plan for your life.
Revelation will bring us into a full knowledge of what is to come for the evil ones.
Next chapter. This book is more than a vision that was given to John, it is meant to be an inward discovery, a delightful unveiling within us.
Not Satans worst, but a supernatural drama of God’s Best, through his beautiful son. JESUS CHRIST
The key that unlocks the book of revelation is.
If we have the passion to know more, more will be given.
JESUS IN YOU is the only way that opens your heart to this knowledge. He is the only one worthy to open the seals of this book to your heart (personally) God will judge the evil People who don’t wish to come and rest with God.
God alone who made you alive. Breathing. AMEN
This style of symbols of deeper realities require ears to hear and hearts to discern.
Revelation is the book of CONSUMMATION. All things new new.
Given a new name (nature) new song (message) a new Jerusalem
(a realm of union with GOD) New heaven, (government ) and new earth (order expression).
Nature: free in Christ eternally saved , we can go to GOD personally now if we are in Christ. (chosen to know real truth about evil and Good ) a nature to walk with God in truth.knowledge that the good is willing and our new life of peace will realm . Evil is being exposed. Message: Its like a new song like Moses song rejoice God is bring the evil down
All is being exposed. We are seeing the evil and the satanic attacks. But GOD SAID ENOUGH.
Expose this and we can have a new song. Realm of union with GOD :( a new Jerusalem) like what it was supposed to be back in garden of Eden. New heaven (government). Evil realm with its sick toxins poison in food and VA X, everything is polluted. Its all a money making scheme. Demons have had there fun. New earth ( order expression ) how would it fell without the evil presence and our new nature doing good and seeking love and truth kindness for all. Helping in our communities. The Bible ends with the old passing away, Yes, its a hard battle, In this life
are tribulations , sickness, working so hard, pushing us to our limit that’s not of GOD
By these orders, seals, trumpets, bowls symbolize taking down the evil ones, of course we are going to see it and people who have been led a stray.
May come to GOD NOW or TURN AWAY TOWARD EVIL. The tribulation is NOW OUR LIVES JUST TO GET THREW > UNTOUCHED BY THIS EVIL <CHAN>. The devils army. : we all have been told a story. TELL A VISION.
They tell us what to believe and we do ,its all programming our minds and we didn’t even know, I was also brainwashed. Work three jobs get a head .
THE HEADS OF EVERY ORGANIZATION IS A SNAKE EVIL FROM THE OTHER SIDE : Government, Education, Medical, Law, Pharmacy , Media. (Are the horns of the Beast)
Revelation talks about a new establishment of all that is new. And cleaned yes, there will still be a sin nature, but it will not be provoked by all the evil in “TELL A VISION”
GOD IS GETTING RID and exposing the crimes of all pedophilia,
SATANIC orders, working behind the scenes to change our minds against God and even people. It was there Grand plan for us to be locked down and tracked all the time, GOD.
Stoped all of this ,yes, people are dying. The plagues are caused- by them and so are the solutions. WAKE UP. PLEASE. It’s pure evil they have overtaken all the world.
GOD HAS A REMNANT that will not Bow, lets be one of theses AMEN.
We are here to help see the passing away of all that is old( evil) realm and establishment of all that is GOOD, new.
Theses are symbols of deeper realities, you require hearts to discern, ears to hear.. ...... We come to discover Him (Jesus ) our lord and maker not merely to seek answers, but find hope in this crazy world.